'Pictures at an Exhibition' With Music in Mind

Thursday 22nd to Monday 26th August 2024
10am to 4pm

An exhibition of paintings by Barbara King looking for the symbiosis between visual art and musical terminology to discover a crossover between the two disciplines.

'Pictures at an Exhibition' With Music in Mind, Ringstead Village Hall, High Street, Ringstead, Norfolk, PE36 5JU | An exhibition of paintings by Barbara King looking for the symbiosis between visual art and musical terminology to discover a crossover between the two disciplines.  | music norfolk westnorfolk wildflowers coast sea land paintings dance folkdance morris molly country land figurative abstract paintings exhibition Ringstead art
'Pictures at an Exhibition' With Music in Mind, Ringstead Village Hall, High Street, Ringstead, Norfolk, PE36 5JU | An exhibition of paintings by Barbara King looking for the symbiosis between visual art and musical terminology to discover a crossover between the two disciplines.  | music norfolk westnorfolk wildflowers coast sea land paintings dance folkdance morris molly country land figurative abstract paintings exhibition Ringstead art
'Pictures at an Exhibition' With Music in Mind, Ringstead Village Hall, High Street, Ringstead, Norfolk, PE36 5JU | An exhibition of paintings by Barbara King looking for the symbiosis between visual art and musical terminology to discover a crossover between the two disciplines.  | music norfolk westnorfolk wildflowers coast sea land paintings dance folkdance morris molly country land figurative abstract paintings exhibition Ringstead art
'Pictures at an Exhibition' With Music in Mind, Ringstead Village Hall, High Street, Ringstead, Norfolk, PE36 5JU | An exhibition of paintings by Barbara King looking for the symbiosis between visual art and musical terminology to discover a crossover between the two disciplines.  | music norfolk westnorfolk wildflowers coast sea land paintings dance folkdance morris molly country land figurative abstract paintings exhibition Ringstead art

The exhibition will be a ‘concerto' of paintings set out in movements, including a red hot ‘Tango' of Valerian'; a ‘Crescendo' of Rosebay Willowherb full of ‘bravura' with undertones of Creeping Thistle! ‘Major' and ‘Minor' harmonic landscapes, ‘Nocturnes' with fireworks and ‘symphonic abstracted patterned reflections on water - expressive and ‘agitato'. Maybe even a playful scherzo section of dancing figures.

There will also be some new experimental works using the musical definitions, e.g. ‘glissando' and ‘capriccio', ‘fugue' as the starting point along with ‘etudes' from sketchbooks, showing the initial ideas for the paintings and poetry by Michael King.

This should be an exhibition with a difference which will hopefully be entertaining and thought provoking. For a more detailed description of the show please head to the website http -//www.barbaraking.co.uk and follow the link to the exhibition page.

Price: free

Location: Ringstead Village Hall, High Street, Ringstead, Norfolk, PE36 5JU

More information

music norfolk westnorfolk wildflowers coast sea land paintings dance folkdance morris molly country land figurative abstract paintings exhibition Ringstead art

Why not stay at Deepdale Camping & Rooms for ''Pictures at an Exhibition' With Music in Mind'

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