Deepdale Podcast – Farm Chat, Glamping with Gin from MarGins, Katie Spencer’s New EP – March 2021

Thanks for listening to the March 2021 episode of the Deepdale Podcast, produced by the team of Deepdale Farm, Deepdale Camping & Rooms and Dalegate Market in Burnham Deepdale on the beautiful North Norfolk Coast.

This month we include Farm Chat, an interview with Gin from MarGins Walking & Glamping, a couple of Favourite Places, and Music & Book Recommendations.

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Farm Chat with Nathan & Jason

Nathan and Jason start the podcast, standing in Big Breck, a field on Deepdale Farm, chatting about the latest steps as the farm goes organic and embraces conservation.

View from the top of Deepdale, shrowed in mist. Photo by Stephen.

Interview with Gin from MarGins Walking & Glamping

Jason interviews Gin about how MarGins Walking & Glamping came about, her time with the Red Cross and the luxury camping she’s offering at Deepdale in 2021.

Tourism Chat with Chris & Jason

Chris joins Jason to chat about reopening the campsite & rooms at Deepdale, after lockdown, and the plan for the rest of the year including welcoming back tents and campervans, and looks forward to Deepdale Festival.

Gin’s Favourite Place – Burnham Overy Staithe to Holkham Beach

Gin talks about her Favourite Place on the North Norfolk Coast, the walk from Burnham Overy Staithe to Holkham Beach.

Hello from Simon

Simon pops in to talk about returning to work, the simple pleasures of catching the bus from Hunstanton to Deepdale, and the new hammock camping area at Deepdale.

Music Recommendations

Hurt In Your Heart

EP by Katie Spencer, Alan Thomson & Spencer Cozens

Katie is a true music friend of Deepdale, and we love to welcome her to play for us. You may have heard her perform or listened to our interview with her in the Festival Special episode of the Deepdale Podcast. This new EP is beautiful, and a great pick by Chris.

Book Recommendations

The Shock Doctrine

by Naomi Klein

The sub heading of this books is ‘The rise of disaster capitalism’, so you can probably guess it isn’t a laugh a minute read, but Chris recommends it as a fascinating insight to times like right now!

The Overstory

by Richard Powers

Chris has owned this book for a while, putting off reading it as he wasn’t really sure about a fiction book about trees. But now he’s reading it he’s loving it, and highly recommends you reading it. It was the Winner of the 2019 Pulitzer Price for Fiction.

The Unlikely Pilgramage of Harold Fry

by Rachel Joyce

This is one of Jason’s recommendations, which he is loving reading on the Libby electronic library system. Jason has also enjoyed The Music Shop by Rachel Joyce, and loves the characters that Rachel observes in her books.

Girl Seven

by Hanna Jameson

Jason has long been a fan of noir, particularly books like The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, and this book by Hanna Jameson was an accidental find, but a very pleasing one. Set in London, in a club where much of the underworld seems to collide.

TV Recommendation


Recommended to Jason by an American friend. This is a fascinating look at the development of the USA constitution through slavery, war, race relations, womens rights, equality and injustice. If you are interested in US politics, then you’ll really enjoy this.

Enjoy this month’s podcast and we look forward to you joining us next month. You can subscribe through most podcast directories & apps by searching Deepdale Podcast, through Castbox (our host), iTunes , or using the RSS feed

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We’d love your feedback, so please do email us your thoughts and suggestions to

We’ll be back in March with our next episode, but in the meantime if you’d like to listen to previous episodes you can find them on your podcast provider or head to our websites or to see the whole back catalogue. The December 2020 episode is a must, as Chris gives us his music release recommendations from 2020.

Thanks again for listening, stay safe and well in these strange times, and hope we’ll see you back at Deepdale in the not too distant future.

To follow the story of Deepdale Farm’s transition to organic, please see the farm website

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