Deepdale Podcast

Deepdale Podcast – Reopening the Campsite, Farm Chat, What’s On, Music Recommendations – April 2021

Thanks for listening to the April 2021 episode of the Deepdale Podcast, produced by the team of Deepdale Farm, Deepdale Camping & Rooms and Dalegate Market in Burnham Deepdale on the beautiful North Norfolk Coast.

As the Covid lockdown begins to end, and the campsite of Deepdale Farm reopens, Chris, Georgie, Nathan & Jason chat about welcoming back visitors, life on the farm, events coming up, music recommendations, and the new Countryside Code.

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Tourism Chat with Chris & Jason

While standing on Woodview of Deepdale Camping & Rooms, looking at the lovely views over Deepdale Farm on a fresh spring day, Chris & Jason chat about re-opening the campsite, and how lovely it will be to welcome back customers.

The campsite opens on 12th April for people with their own facilities, as shared shower facilities aren’t allowed to be opened until the next stage of the roadmap. With hope if things continue improving, on 17th May those shared facilities will be opened, and we’ll be able to welcome back all our customers, and open the newly refurbished rooms in both the Stables and Granary.

Farm Chat with Nathan & Jason

In the open air of Parsons Bush (we have some great field names), Nathan and Jason chat about life on Deepdale Farm, how the drilling of Spring crops is going, and the process of soil testing as we try to understand the capabilities of our soil to capture carbon.

Inspired by documentaries like Kiss The Ground and many many podcasts and books, Jason has challenged Chris, Nathan and the team to make Deepdale Farm, and all its various enterprises, carbon negative by 2025. Now we work out how to do that.

Georgie & Jason get excited about reopening

With customers returning to Deepdale Camping & Rooms, and the shops & pop up shops of Dalegate Market reopening, Georgie & Jason get excited about some semblance of normality returning to the North Norfolk Coast. They also chat about the wonderful Pantaloons returning in June and August with 3 open air theatre productions.

Music Recommendations

Chris is constantly listening to music, and so always has great recommendations. This month he’s been listening to a lot of Public Service Broadcasting, The Long Riders and Richard Quarterman.


Album by Richard Quarterman

Many of you will know Richard as the front man to the Man The Lifeboats, who we love dancing to in our Brick Barn at Deepdale Farm. This is his new solo album, with excellent tunes & nicely political for these ever strange times. This month’s podcast features a sample of the track Outsiders. See Man The Lifeboats and Richard perform at the Deepdale Festival in September.

The Countryside Code & Coastal Code

Nathan & Jason chat through the newly republished Countryside Code from Natural England, and the Coastal Code from Norfolk Coast AONB. The codes are all about Enjoy Respect and Protect, giving friendly, helpful guidance for those enjoying the countryside and beautiful North Norfolk Coast. They aren’t about teaching people to suck eggs, or ‘get off my land’, but about respecting the countryside, the wildlife that lives there, and those that live and work there.

More information on our website –

Enjoy this month’s podcast and we look forward to you joining us next month. You can subscribe through most podcast directories & apps by searching Deepdale Podcast, through Castbox (our host), iTunes , or using the RSS feed

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We’d love your feedback, so please do email us your thoughts and suggestions to

We’ll be back in March with our next episode, but in the meantime if you’d like to listen to previous episodes you can find them on your podcast provider or head to our websites or to see the whole back catalogue. The December 2020 episode is a must, as Chris gives us his music release recommendations from 2020.

Thanks again for listening, stay safe and well in these strange times, and hope we’ll see you back at Deepdale in the not too distant future.

To follow the story of Deepdale Farm’s transition to organic, please see the farm website

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