Bridge & Dinner Evening

Wednesday 2nd October 2019
6.45pm for 7pm, finishing approximately 10.30pm

Why not join a friendly group for an evening of bridge and dinner at the Jolly Sailors in Brancaster Staithe. Locals and visitors are most welcome to join in for any of the dates throughout the Winter.

Bridge & Dinner Evening, The Jolly Sailors, Brancaster Staithe, North Norfolk Coast | Why not join a friendly group for an evening of bridge and dinner at the Jolly Sailors in Brancaster Staithe.  Locals and visitors are most welcome to join in for any of the dates throughout the Winter. | bridge, cards, contract, dinner, jolly, sailors, main, course, glass, wine, tea, coffee, players, rubbers, dinner, locals, visitors, evening

The evening begins around 7pm, with dinner being served after the 1st rubber, and bridge then continues after everyone has eaten.

Dinner is prepared by The Jolly Sailors team and includes a main course, glass of wine with the meal, and coffee or tea afterwards.  Other drinks can be bought from the bar, the perfect activity for when you are the dummy (a Bridge term not an insult).

To Book: It's important to book in advance.  Please contact Estelle in the Deepdale Farm office - Tel: 01485 210036 or Email:

These evenings are primarily for those who know how to play this card game, Bridge (sometimes known as Contract Bridge).  However if you are interested in learning how to play, please get in touch, as it may be possible to create a beginners table - Alister is keen to get more people playing.

In case you aren't sure what Bridge is, then this is the Wikipedia definition:
Contract bridge, or simply bridge, is a trick-taking game using a standard 52-card deck. It is played by four players in two competing partnerships, with partners sitting opposite each other around a table. Millions of people play bridge worldwide in clubs, tournaments, online and with friends at home, making it one of the world's most popular card games, particularly among seniors.

Price: £18 per person (which inlcludes bridge, main course, glass of wine and coffee or tea)

Location: The Jolly Sailors, Brancaster Staithe, North Norfolk Coast

More information

bridge, cards, contract, dinner, jolly, sailors, main, course, glass, wine, tea, coffee, players, rubbers, dinner, locals, visitors, evening

Why not stay at Deepdale Camping & Rooms for 'Bridge & Dinner Evening'

Other Dates For Your Diary

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Tue 1 Oct to Fri 28 Feb
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Mon 27 Jan to Sun 2 Mar
Camping - Midweek 3 for 2 Special Offer
Sun 2 Feb to Thu 27 Mar
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Sun 2 Feb to Thu 27 Mar
The Wild Side by Alfie Bowen - Exhibition
Tue 4 Feb to Sun 2 Mar
Glazed & Fused Exhibition - Dale Devereux Barker
Sat 15 Feb to Wed 26 Mar
Introduction to Green Woodworking Course
Sat 22 Feb
Nelson's Shantymen Rehearsal
Mon 24 Feb
Deepdale Hedge Planting Weekend
Fri 28 Feb to Sun 2 Mar
NWT Cley Marshes - Beach Clean
Sat 1 Mar
Nelson's Shantymen Rehearsal
Mon 3 Mar
The Jolly Charity Pub Quiz
Tue 4 Mar
Walking Women
Tue 4 Mar

Other Forthcoming Events

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